Halls of fame: Our 30 favorite fictional schools

Halls of fame: Our 30 favorite fictional schools

Whether on television or the big screen or in elementary school, high school, or college, Hollywood has taken us inside the halls of some of the most famous fake learning institutions. Many that we would want to attend for various reasons. Mainly because we get to hang with the memorable characters associated with these schools. 

Here's our ranking of the 30 greatest fictional schools of all time.

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30. UC Sunnydale ('Buffy the Vampire Slayer')

UC Sunnydale ('Buffy the Vampire Slayer')
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Though we presume the school is no longer in existence following the Hellmouth battle, there was obviously more to UC Sunnydale than what was on the surface. Yes, it had nice dorms and popular fraternity and sorority systems but also a government agency focused on researching demonic activity located underground. It had a cool coffee shop: The Grotto.

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29. Hudson University ('Law and Order' franchise)

Hudson University ('Law and Order' franchise)
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There should be a warning to students considering Hudson as their college choice: DON'T GO! That's because the annual body count and crime incidents are probably each higher than the job placement rate. The detectives from the original Law & Order, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent often visit looking for witnesses and/or suspects of various crimes on and off campus.

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28. Dillon High School ('Friday Night Lights')

Dillon High School ('Friday Night Lights')
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The importance of high school football in the state of Texas is right up there with breathing. That's certainly the case at Dillon. Guided by coach Eric Taylor, the Panthers won a state championship in 2006. Though Dillon (later known as West Dillon High) is a rather well-to-do school with plenty of resources for students, especially football players, life is not always easy. Just ask former gridiron stars Tim Riggins and Matt Saracen.

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27. Capeside High School ('Dawson's Creek')

Capeside High School ('Dawson's Creek')
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Capeside High was a rather interesting place. For one, we know the football team was not good, but the communications and visual arts programs seemed pretty decent. Like any high school, popularity and fitting in were at the forefront of the everyday experience. But Dawson, Pacey, and Joey, then Jen, were close enough that they managed to successfully survive those high school trials and tribulations.

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26. Grand Lakes University ('Back to School')

Grand Lakes University ('Back to School')
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Judging by the bulky coats we see some of the students wearing, Grand Lakes probably sits in the Midwest (campus scenes were filmed at the University of Wisconsin), which makes one wonder why it would have an outdoor diving team. Doesn't matter. Grand Lakes is fortunate to have rich alum like Thornton Melon, who donates tons of money to the school, throws great dorm parties, and is the only person on the planet who can nail the "Triple Lindy."

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25. John Adams High School ('Boy Meets World')

John Adams High School ('Boy Meets World')
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Cory and Shawn could not get away from Mr. Feeny, who eventually became the high school's principal. One of the coolest aspects of the Adams High experience is the kinds of characters who make up the student body. From nerdy types like Stuart Minkus to bully Harley Keiner to toadies Frankie and Joey "The Rat," it's quite the melting pot of stereotypes.

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24. McKinley High School ('Freaks and Geeks')

McKinley High School ('Freaks and Geeks')
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Though we're not sure what this Detroit area school is like today, we know that back in the early 1980s, it was a real melting pot of student culture. From the burnouts to jocks to the newcomers uncomfortable with their adolescent state, there might not have been a more accurate portrayal of high school life at the time than what was going on at the fictional McKinley High.

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23. West Canaan High School ('Varsity Blues')

West Canaan High School ('Varsity Blues')
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Any boy who attends West Canaan and doesn't play football probably won't fit in. Then again, the last time we heard from the Texas high school football powerhouse, legendary Coach Bud Kilmer was on the outs. Still, we find it quite interesting that there are so many pretty people attending a small-town high school, and that a teacher who moonlights as a stripper can still keep her job.

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22. North Shore High School ('Mean Girls')

North Shore High School ('Mean Girls')
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Being the new kid in high school can be rough, especially in one that features so many social groups and cliques. Of course, to those teenage girls at a social crossroads, it's wise to avoid The Plastics, or their farm team the Junior Plastics. Instead, maybe join the lacrosse team or Mathletes. As students will learn, there's usually something for everyone.

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21. Harrison University ('Old School')

Harrison University ('Old School')
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Harrison is an interesting place, both inviting and controversial. While there have been moments of corruptness within the school's administration, its fraternal system is rather liberal in its membership policy. One doesn't even have to be a student to join or have a good time. We're certain that "Frank The Tank" is still hanging out on campus

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20. South Park Elementary ('South Park')

South Park Elementary ('South Park')
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South Park Elementary has seen a bit of everything over the years, including rising from the ashes after being burned to the ground. It's a haven for the misadventures of Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman. And also known for its renowned, or rather incompetent, faculty and staff, who featured Mr. Garrison, Mr. Garrett, and the late Chef over the years.

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19. Greendale Community College ('Community')

Greendale Community College ('Community')
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This somewhat respected community college in the Denver area is proud to call veteran character actor Luis Guzman an alum. But Greendale's goal is to bring out the best in its students and give them a purpose in life, no matter how old (Pierce Hawthorne). It also prides itself on a mission statement known as "The Straight A's:" Accessibility, Affordability, Air Conditioning, Awesome New Friends, A Lot of Classes."

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18. California University ('Beverly Hills, 90210')

California University ('Beverly Hills, 90210')
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Not to be confused with the same California University, presumably located in the Bay Area, that the kids from Bayside High attended, this CU is located in Southern California. It publishes an award-winning newspaper on which Brandon Walsh spent time working, and it offers a pretty serious Greek system. Of course, the teachers tend to get too involved with their students, and the drama program can be massively cutthroat. 

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17. Rushmore Academy ('Rushmore')

Rushmore Academy ('Rushmore')
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This prestigious prep academy in Houston aims to offer a well-rounded, enriched experience for all students. In addition to its rigorous academic standards, Rushmore offers such extracurricular activities as French Club, Stamp & Coin Club, Kung Fu Club, the Astronomy Society, Fencing, Bombardment Society, Kite Flying Society, and the Rushmore Beekeepers.  

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16. Bronson Alcott High School ('Clueless')

Bronson Alcott High School ('Clueless')
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For as trendy and well-off as the students at Beverly Hills' Bronson Alcott High may seem on the surface, most are quite friendly and welcoming to new students. Though a vast majority of the student body is from the United States, a creative language unique to the school surfaced in the mid-1990s. Terms include "I'm Audi" (to leave), "Baldwin (handsome male), or "Jeepin'" (cheating on a significant other).

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15. James Buchanan High School ('Welcome Back, Kotter')

James Buchanan High School ('Welcome Back, Kotter')
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It's the home of the underdogs, or in this case, "Sweathogs." Even the academic underachiever has a place in this Brooklyn high school. Students should be lucky to have a teacher like Mr. Kotter, who is always there for them while trying to get the best from each and everyone in and out of the classroom. Just don't try to use a note from your mother to get out of homework assignments.

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14. Hillman College ('A Different World')

Hillman College ('A Different World')
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Arguably the most respected historically Black college (HBCU) in television history, the Virginia-based institution is known for its stellar Liberal Arts and Science departments and vibrant student life that includes the popular Greek system and the heavily frequented gathering spot, The Pit. And not to mention, it's apparently pretty easy to make the baseball team — somehow funny man Dwayne Wayne did.

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13. McKinley High School ('Glee')

McKinley High School ('Glee')
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Not to be confused with the aforementioned McKinley High from outside Detroit, this one is located in Lima, Ohio. Though once known for its athletics program and cheerleading squad, McKinley has become most renowned for its uber-successful glee club, resurrected by Spanish teacher Will Schuester. Like any high school, fitting in can be tough, but if you can crank out a quality version of "Don't Stop Believin," life is good.

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12. Adams College ('Revenge of the Nerds' films)

Adams College ('Revenge of the Nerds' films)
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Back in the day (a.k.a. the early '80s), Adams was known for having a top-tier football team and the best computer department in the country. It also had one of the most active Greek systems in the nation. In fact, students who did not fit into one could form their own. The annual Homecoming week is spectacular, including tricycle riding while drunk, a belching contest, and a talent show.

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11. Springfield Elementary School ('The Simpsons')

Springfield Elementary School ('The Simpsons')
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This would be a great school if not for the incompetent people running it. While the physical structure is a joke and the student body is less than motivated — unless we are talking about Bart Simpson having a good time — the faculty and staff continue to be the problem. From principal Mr. Seymour Skinner to late resident lush Mrs. Krabappel, the apathy evident is not what we want from the educational system — however, still quite hilarious.

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10. Westerburg High School ('Heathers')

Westerburg High School ('Heathers')
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Located in Sherwood, Ohio, Westerburg was one of the toughest fictional schools in America to make it socially — unless, of course, your name is Heather or Veronica. Before violence in schools unfortunately became an all-too-common occurrence, Hollywood offered this edgy late 1980s take on high school. It's a dark comedy with a social commentary on what goes on in the often conflicted and traditionally unsure minds of teenagers, no matter their social standing. While the movie is brilliant on several levels, it probably could not be made today. 

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9. Ridgemont High School ('Fast Times at Ridgemont High')

Ridgemont High School ('Fast Times at Ridgemont High')
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In the early 1980s, Ridgemont High School had it all: promiscuity, no-nonsense teachers like Mr. Hand, stoners, jocks, and even an in-house ticket broker. What more can any student ask from a high school experience? High school can be tough. It's good to know that there are plenty of people along the way to help — or at least make it interesting.

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8. Shermer High School ('Breakfast Club')

Shermer High School ('Breakfast Club')
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The one great thing about Shermer High in north suburban Chicago, aside from its large library, is the fact that students of different backgrounds or interests can become friends. Though, it's probably easier to do so after spending a Saturday together in detention. Whether a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, or a criminal, everyone can really get along.

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7. Padua High School ('10 Things I Hate About You')

Padua High School ('10 Things I Hate About You')
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From a scenic standpoint, Padua High School (a.k.a. Stadium High, Tacoma, Washington) is tough to beat. Inside the halls of this massive institution, beauty tends to be in the eye of the beholder. Whether into pretty boys like Joey Donner, misunderstood rebels such as Patrick Verona, or even the shrew-like Kat Stratford, there's someone for everybody at this Shakespearean-influenced high school. 

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6. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ('Harry Potter' films)

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ('Harry Potter' films)
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Located in the Scottish Highlands, this is where budding wizards go to learn and blaze a path to making their magical dreams come true. Those fortunate to possess magical abilities are pre-accepted to the school at birth. The curriculum is rigorous, and the pressure to succeed is quite intense. The school's motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, translated, "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon."      

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5. Degrassi Community Schools ('Degrassi' series)

Degrassi Community Schools ('Degrassi' series)
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Whether attending the classic Degrassi Junior High or the middle/high school, Degrassi Community School, a good chunk of Americans probably begged their parents to move across the border to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to be part of this famed fictional school district. Degrassi had it all: popularity issues, local rock stars, underage substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and even death.

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4. Bayside High School ('Saved By The Bell')

Bayside High School ('Saved By The Bell')
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While we can't forget Bayside Junior High and the friendly Miss Bliss, Bayside High is one of the most recognizable schools in all of fictional television. Mr. Belding might run the school, but Bayside belongs to the students. There will never be a more conniving, scheming student than Zack Morris or a better athlete than A.C. Slater. And how many schools teach driver's education in the classroom with a golf cart?

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3. West Beverly High School ('Beverly Hills, 90210')

West Beverly High School ('Beverly Hills, 90210')
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In the world of television reality, good old West Bev was kind of like most high schools despite being saddled with a famous zip code. The staff was relatively friendly (Mrs. Teasley really loved her students, but Gil Meyers might have been a little too chummy), and of course, the school board was firm, especially with students caught drinking at prom. It also published the greatest student newspaper (The Blaze) in television history. 

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2. Rydell High School ('Grease')

Rydell High School ('Grease')
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Try to find a cooler school on television or in the movies than Rydell High. In the late 1950s, it was the stomping ground for the T-Birds and Pink Ladies, two of the most popular cliques in cinematic history. Rydell had a decent athletic program, but who knew there was so much untapped singing and dancing talent from the student body walking those hallowed halls?

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1. Faber College ('Animal House')

Faber College ('Animal House')
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In the words of the great genius and school founder Emil Faber, "Knowledge is Good." And that's essentially true at Faber. Just stay away from its Greek system. At least that's what it was like back in the late 1970s. The Omegas were the stuffy, wannabe future leaders of the world, but the real fun was at the slacker Delta house, the latter known for its wild and raucous toga party.  

A Chicago native, Jeff Mezydlo has professionally written about sports, entertainment and pop culture for parts of four decades. He was an integral member of award-winning sports sections at The Times of Northwest Indiana (Munster, Ind.) and Champaign (Ill.) News-Gazette, where he covered the NFL, PGA, LPGA, NCAA basketball, football and golf, Olympics and high school athletics. Jeff most recently spent 12 years in the editorial department at STATSPerform, where he also oversaw coverage of the English Premier League. A graduate of Northern Illinois University, Jeff's work has also appeared on such sites at Yahoo!, ESPN, Fox Sports, Sports Illustrated and NBA.com. However, if Jeff could do it again, he'd attend Degrassi Junior High, Ampipe High School and Grand Lakes University

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